Yogaa: Few asanas, if you practice regularly it is sufficient to have good health.

Few asanas, if you practice regularly it is sufficient to have good health.


1. Bridge – Bandha Sarvangasana- the bridge poses help together with your spine but, it also exposes your chest. stretching your chest relief aching of the upper back,

2. Downward Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana-The Downward Dog pose is great for getting new oxygen towards your brain and allowing your body to settle down on its own.

3. Child Pose – Balasana-The child pose helps relieves your back, hips, and neck by stretching and soothing them out all at an equivalent time.

4. Warrior 1 – Virabhadra asana I-The Warrior 1 pose is sweet who wants to open up their chest and feel a deep stretch within the shoulders in preparation for best posture.

5. Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana II- In Warrior 2 you would like to focus your body on expanding nice and wide through your arms

6. Triangle – Trikonasana-This pose gives you spine generate flexibility once you lean sideways, and it helps with pain in your neck.

7. Chair – Utkatasana-pose doing not only benefits your leg muscles but it also targets your calves and ankles.

8. Tree – Vrksasana- it’s all about stability! During this pose it's important to recollect to stay your posture straight, meaning keeping your back aligned and hips wide to feel a small stretch.

9. Boat – Navasana-The Boat yoga posture is specifically designed for the two things! once you align your legs straight out and have your chest up creating your back to be completely straight

10. Corpse – Savasana-The corpse yoga pose allows you to rejuvenate by lowering your vital sign.

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