Yogaa: November 2019

What is yoga, benefits of yoga, rules, types and asanas

Yoga is a spiritual process in India and Nepal in which the work of bringing the body, mind, and soul together (yoga) takes place. This word-process and perception - is related to the meditation process in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

Yoga is not just a physical practice, it is a path of deeper emotional integration and spiritual advancement, giving us a glimpse of the dimension beyond all imagination.  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yoga is a complete science. It unites the body, mind, soul and the universe. It provides peace and joy to every person. It also brings significant changes in a person's behavior, thoughts and attitude. Daily practice of yoga helps to increases our inner peace, flexibility in the body, sensitivity, intuition, and awareness.

There is no written record of yoga that when it is invented. Yoga is a brain and body practice, and it’s an old technique many years old history in ancient Indian philosophy. Many styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation of the body parts and mind.

Very Very Important

Yoga develops the body and mind. It has many physical and mental benefits but it cannot be used in place of any medicine etc. You must learn and do this yoga as per the instructions of a trained instructor. If you have any physical dilemma, you must contact your doctor or any Yoga instructor before doing yoga asana.

सूर्य नमस्कार क्या है | What is Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) 12 poses name and benefits of Sun salutations

Surya Namaskar (sun salutations):- Surya Namaskar, also known as sun salutations to give our namaskar to Lord Surya (Lord Sun) he is the God of good health. Surya Namaskar literally means to offer or salute the sun. 

This yoga asana is the best way to give perfect shape to the body and keep the mind calm and healthy.

Surya Namaskar is a combination of 12 powerful yoga asanas, which is also a good cardiovascular exercise and beneficial for health. 

Surya Namaskar mind that the body keeps both healthy.
If you are short on time, and you are looking for a way to stay fit, then Surya Namaskar is the best option.

In 1 set of Surya namaskar we have 12 different poses with their different names.

1. Prayer Pose (Pranamasana)

2. Raised arms Pose (Hastottanasana) 

3. Standing Forward Bend (Hasta Padasana) 

4.Equestrian Pose (Ashwa Sanchalanasana) 

5.Staff Pose (Dandasana) 

6.Salute with Eight parts(Ashtanga Namaskar) 

7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) 

8. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana

9. Equestrian Pose (Ashwa Sanchalanasana) 

10. Hand to Foot Pose (Hasta Padasana) 

11. Raise arm Pose (Hasta Uttanasana) 

12. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Practice these 12 steps of 1 set of Surya namaskar and get benefits in your health:-
  • Flexing, stretching muscles
  • improves your body posture
  • Improved blood circulation
  • cholesterol levels
  • heart health
  • good digestion
  • Weight loose management.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) पद्मासन करने की प्रक्रिया | How to do Padmasana and benefits

PADMASANA:- Padmasana is also known as the Lotus Position. Padmasana or Lotus posture is a yoga posture in which the knees remain in the opposite direction. By doing this mudra (Pose), the mind gets calm and meditation increases. Many physical disorders also provide relief. With regular practice of this mudra (Pose), the seeker blossoms in full like lotus, hence the name of this mudra (Pose) is Padmasana. In Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist belief, the lotus seat is also called Vajra Mudra (Pose).

The process of performing Padmasana. How to do Padmasana.

Spread the legs towards the front and sit on a yoga mat or ground, the spine should be straight.

Fold the right knee and place it on the sister's thigh, making sure that the heel is near the abdomen and the soles of the feet are upwards.

Now repeat the same thing with your second leg.

Bend both legs, feet on opposite thighs, keep hands on the knees in the posture position.

The head should be straight and the spine should be straight.

Stay in the same position and breathe deeply.

Padmasana Benefits:-

  •   It increases concentration and focused attention
  •   brings blood pressure under control
  •   You can reduce the unwanted fat from hips and thigh
  •    It helps to Stretches Ankles and Knees
  •   Provide peace etc.

What is Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and benefits of Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Tadasana pose:- Tadasana pose is also known as Mountain pose is also called standing asana. How you can do that you have to enter by standing with the feet together and lifting up through the crown of the head and when you are lifting up keep breathing so that you feel relaxed. Or you can do some change in this asana you can up your arms, you can bend your body right side or left side, you can keep your arm on your head.

Tadasana Benefits:-

  •     Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles
  •     Increase hight
  •    Weight loose
  •     Improve blood circulation
  •     Increases enthusiasm
  •     Increase energy
  •    Reduce the problem of flat feet

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose) and benefits id Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)

CHAKRASANA pose:- Chakrasana pose is also known as Wheel pose. How you can do that your hands and feet should be on the floor and your abdomen arches up toward the sky means you have to bend your body from the backside your stomach arches should be up toward the sky. In this pose, you have to strengthen your Back, Legs, Arms, Vertebral column, Abdomen, Buttocks, Wrists. By this pose, you can stretch your abdomen, thigh, lung.

Chakrasana Benefits:-

  •  Strengthens liver, pancreas, and kidneys 
  • Beneficial to open the heart chakra
  • Arms, hands, shoulders, wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen strengthens
  • Provide energy
  • Stretches the back
  • Loose your weight

धनुरासन करने का तरीका | How to do Dhanurasana and धनुरासन के लाभ | Benefits of Dhanurasana

DHANURASANA:- Dhanurasana is also known as Bow Pose present since it would seem that a toxophilite's bow, the middle and legs speaking to the body of the bow, and the arms the string. is an extreme posture for the greasy people groups.

Lying on the stomach, keep the distance between the buttocks in the legs and keep both hands directly on both sides of the body.

Bend the knees near the waist and hold the knee with your hands.

Inhaling raise the chest above the ground and pull the legs towards the waist.

Look in front with a smile on your face.

Keeping your breath, stay in the posture, now your body is like a bow.

Taking long deep breaths, relax in the posture.

Take care, do asanas according to your capacity, do not tighten the body excessively.

After 15-20 seconds, while exhaling, slowly bring the feet and chest back to the ground. Relax leaving the esophagus.

Dhanurasana Benefits:-
  •    Best pose to burn fat
  •    toning and stretching the entire front of the body part
  •    stretching ankles, abdomen, thighs, chest and throat, spine
  •   Opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders
  •    Effective in weight loss.
  •    Improves blood circulation
  •   Stress reliever

How to do Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)and भुजंगासन के लाभ | Benefits of Bhujangasana

BHUJANGASANA: - Bhujangasana is also known as Cobra Snake Pose. This pose energizing backbend resembles the raised hood of a cobra. The best way to stretch the chest and shoulders, cobra pose regularly can improve your lung capacity, reduce stress, and stimulate many of the internal organs in your body.

Bhujangasana seems like a snake with a raised snake, Bhujangasana is important to ease of Suryanamaskar and Padmasadhana which is very beneficial for our body.

 It helps the muscles of the chest and waist flexible and removes any tension in the waist. For patients related to the spinal cord, Bhujangasana will prove to be very beneficial.

In women, it helps to control blood flow in the uterus. Whether it is a patient related to the kidney or any stomach related problem, this simple posture is the solution to all problems.

Bhujangasana Benefits:-
  •      makes the spine stronger and more flexible
  •      balancing the weight
  •      It helps in the digestive, reproductive, and urinary systems
  •     Stretches chest, shoulders, lungs, and abdomen
  •     Helps to ease symptoms of asthma
  •    helps to improve blood circulation

हलासन कैसे करें | How to do Halasana (Plow Pose) and benefits

Halasana:-  Halasana is also known as Plow pose. its the tool of a farmer called plough, used by farmers across India to prepare the soil for sowing of seeds. At the time of doing this asana, you have great control over your breath and keep steady for at least 15 seconds after a habit you can maximize the time.

How to do Halasan (Plow Pose) Lie on your back with your arms beside you. While inhaling, lift your leg up to 90 degrees from the floor on the strength of your abdominal muscles.

 While exhaling, raise your clan and back with the help of your hands above the floor.

 Move your feet from the top of your head to an angle of 180 degrees and place it back on the floor.

 Your back should be perpendicular to the floor. Initially it will be difficult but do it for a few seconds.

Rest in this posture for a few moments and keep breathing steadily.

Halasana Benefits:-

  •     Improves the functioning of the pancreas, liver, and kidney.
  •    The flexibility of shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
  •    Stretching backbone, neck to tail bone
  •    Useful for asthma, bronchitis.
  •    Beneficial for diabetic people
  •    Helping for backache, headache, infertility

Trikonasana (Triangle pose) and benefits of Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Trikonasana:-  trikonasana is also known as Triangle pose. Trikonasana is performed into two parts, first facing left, and then facing right. This asana is known to stretch the muscles and improve the regular body functions.

Trikonasana Benefits:-

  •   This Asana (Pose) help in starching Thorax, Knee, Vertebral column, Hip,     Inguinal region, Thigh, Hamstring, Calf, Ankle, Shoulder

  •   Will help to make your body flexible

  •   The person who suffering from back conditions Consult a doctor     before starting this pose.

  •   Help Open chest and shoulders

  •   Helps indigestion